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Paint Protection Film should be cared for in the same way you would care for the paint on your vehicle. To keep your Paint Protection Film looking great, we recommend you follow a few simple guidelines:
This is a 3 steps application process of the formula engineered by ProTech® Monte Carlo. It protects against harsh weather conditions and regular wear and tear, giving your car that mirror-effect gloss with a 40% more shine and 5X slicker effect. This has been made possible by the latest technology developed to provide the highest hydrophobic and oleophobic effect.
Pre-cutting is done upon request where we feed the patterns of the car to a special software and cutting machine that produces a sheet with exact measurements to the body parts. This is helpful when you want a PPF applied to certain parts of the car such as door edges and headlights rather than the entire surface.
يجب الاعتناء بملصقات حماية الطلاء تماماً كما تعتني بطلاء سيارتك. لكي يبقى مظهر ملصقات حماية الطلاء جميلاً، ننصحك باتباع بعض الإرشادات البسيطة: